Assign a cover image when broadcasting input 1 live


good morning everyone,
I have a question that I can't find the answer to in the Radioboss manual. This is metadata management. When I am live from my Radioboss to the cloud, everything is fine regarding the metadata (album info and images), as long as I am playing the files present locally on my PC. Sometimes I put an external source into transmission (via input 1) and at that point only the title that I gave to input 1 arrives in the metadata. It is possible, when I put input 1 into play, to make sure that in the metadata it is put an image that I decide?

I thank you in advance and greet you cordially


Radio Febbre
It is possible, when I put input 1 into play, to make sure that in the metadata it is put an image that I decide?
Currently not, when you play item without artwork, it will show default album cover, as configured in Settings->Reports->Default artwork.
good morning everyone,
I have a question that I can't find the answer to in the Radioboss manual. This is metadata management. When I am live from my Radioboss to the cloud, everything is fine regarding the metadata (album info and images), as long as I am playing the files present locally on my PC. Sometimes I put an external source into transmission (via input 1) and at that point only the title that I gave to input 1 arrives in the metadata. It is possible, when I put input 1 into play, to make sure that in the metadata it is put an image that I decide?

I thank you in advance and greet you cordially


Radio Febbre
I managed to make a patch that worked in the live link broadcast, in fact I created a .bat to rename the default file a minute before the link program went live, then I put it in the Windows task schedule and it worked, it's a archaic but functional method.. code used below:

@echo off

REM Define the directory where the photo files are located
set current_song_dir=D:\YOUR-FOLDER\CURRENT_SONG

REM Check if the file brasilcaboclo.jpg exists in the directory
if exist "%current_song_dir%\brasilcaboclo.jpg" (
REM Copy the file brasilcaboclo.jpg to logo512x512.jpg in the same directory
copy "%current_song_dir%\brasilcaboclo.jpg" "%current_song_dir%\logo512x512.jpg" > nul

REM Copy the file brasilcaboclo.jpg to nowplaying_artwork.png in the same directory
copy "%current_song_dir%\brasilcaboclo.jpg" "%current_song_dir%\nowplaying_artwork.png" > nul

I managed to make a patch that worked in the live link broadcast, in fact I created a .bat to rename the default file a minute before the link program went live, then I put it in the Windows task schedule and it worked, it's a archaic but functional method.. code used below:

@echo off

REM Define the directory where the photo files are located
set current_song_dir=D:\YOUR-FOLDER\CURRENT_SONG

REM Check if the file brasilcaboclo.jpg exists in the directory
if exist "%current_song_dir%\brasilcaboclo.jpg" (
REM Copy the file brasilcaboclo.jpg to logo512x512.jpg in the same directory
copy "%current_song_dir%\brasilcaboclo.jpg" "%current_song_dir%\logo512x512.jpg" > nul

REM Copy the file brasilcaboclo.jpg to nowplaying_artwork.png in the same directory
copy "%current_song_dir%\brasilcaboclo.jpg" "%current_song_dir%\nowplaying_artwork.png" > nul

Save logo-live.bat, and enjoy..!
It doesn't seem that it'll work with nowplaying notifications, as the original picture (before it's replaced by your script) will be sent.