Station no longer available


New member
Hi All,
I recently moved from Myriad radio hosting to Radioboss.
It's my 2nd time to move hosts in the last month to try and find the right fit. When I moved to Myriad my station disappeared from listing's on my Majority Internet radio but appeared back 2 days later. I put this down to maybe the directory needed time to be updated after I had updated tunein etc with my new streamlink. Last week I then made the move to Radioboss and again my station disappeared from my internet radio but it's been over a week and it's not appeared back. I've followed same process as I did 1st time so completely baffled. Really appreciate any advice or guidance.
Can you please specify your account username so we can check, and also what directory you want to register in? You can specify additional directories in RadioBOSS Cloud in Settings, Advanced.
Can you please specify your account username so we can check, and also what directory you want to register in? You can specify additional directories in RadioBOSS Cloud in Settings, Advanced.
Thanks for the reply, the station literally appeared back on the directory today, thanks.