Search results

  1. L

    Resume playlist - Does not work after power failure

    The current song and the position are saved in the "resume playback.ini.bak". The next time you start RadioBoss, the last position will be read and the playlist will be continued at that point after the program starts. But that often doesn't work in the event of a power failure. When Windows...
  2. L

    Get playlist in order

    Hello ... I would be happy if you could load playlists from a folder in series. So far, this has only been done randomly. We miss this function very much. Constantly having to adjust the date of many files in our workflow makes no sense. There are quite a few. The Generator Pro or the...
  3. L

    Playlist Generator Pro - Filters are not working properly

    I cannot search for individual words or parts in the comment field. The song will only be included in the filter selection if the string matches the comment field 100 percent. In my example, the titles of the songs are also saved in the comment field. Now I want to search for individual songs...
  4. L

    Extension for user defined fields

    First request: Is it possible to add the search for the user defined fields from the library in the index search? Second request: Is it possible to integrate the user-defined fields on the filter in the playlist generator? These two functions would greatly increase the flexibility of the...