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  1. rllom

    According to the event record, the launch is doing well, however the audio comes out 10 to 12 minutes after the playlist is launched

    I have been experiencing a problem that did not occur before. Always before the start of a show or playlist, I would launch an intro regarding the programming that was coming, and according to the event record, the launch is doing well, however the audio comes out 10 to 12 minutes after the...
  2. rllom

    I Want to Set the artwork for live streaming

    Yes, It this, problem resolved, POST option is necessary, thank you
  3. rllom

    I Want to Set the artwork for live streaming

    Yes, I Used RadioBOSS Soft, and I Have configured Like screenshot attached, but don't work, what I doing wong? My panel log say: HTTTP Request(#1) error: HTTP/1.1 "405 Method Not Allowedd"
  4. rllom

    I Want to Set the artwork for live streaming

    Anyone can help how do I set my RadioBoss Soft for the artwork for live streaming? I read this: but i can't get it, any idea?
  5. rllom

    RadioBOSS Cloud [beta]

    Cuando tendremos la opci?n de crear un evento que suene en determinadas horas espec?ficamente, a como se puede hacer con Radioboss Soft, la opci?n la dejo en la captura adjunta
  6. rllom

    RadioBOSS Cloud [beta]

    Dese?ndolo desde un inicio, y eliminar?a el actual disable event, bueno  aunque ?ste no molesta  ;D
  7. rllom

    RadioBOSS Cloud [beta]

    Excelent!!, when can edit title to files from url stream?
  8. rllom

    RadioBOSS Cloud [beta]

    De igual manera como elije los dias de la semana, seria bueno que tambien se puedan elejir las horas que queires que un evento se repita  ;)
  9. rllom

    RadioBOSS Cloud [beta]

    I'm new user, and I'm happy, good update