Additional Params for CLI Report Generation and/or new Report Templates


New member
We have begun to customize our Report Generator config to include a couple of Radioboss's custom fields that we have added to our tracks, and we have selected only one (custom) File Type to filter for the report. I think that I can work with this for manual report generation. However, I need to run a custom script to transform the .csv into a .txt file in the format that a particular reporting agency requires (soundexchange).

I started to experiment with the CLI report generation, but I noticed that it resets our custom config (so that the custom fields are lost in the report) and it is unable to produce any results because the filter doesn't show our custom file type. If I could somehow make the Report Generator aware of our custom File Types/custom fields and pass the list of fields that we need for the report as CLI params, it would be amazing!

Additionally, our problem could be addressed if some different template types could be created for the Report Generator, but this may involve having to handle non-standard tags from the audio files (ISRC/PUBLISHER). Our other automation software that we are trying to transition away from does this one thing well.

We are currently using MariaDB, and I guess that I can experiment with the Node driver for manually creating the reports directly from the db, but perhaps some of the above feature requests could provide value to other RB users?

Thank you for a great product that keeps getting better!
Thank you for the suggestion! We'll extend command line options for Report Generator to allow more control over what it creates. Also, command line shouldn't have reset the settings for manual use - this looks like a bug. Those improvements will be made in either the next update, or moved to major RadioBOSS 6.4 update.