Get playlist in order


New member
Hello ...

I would be happy if you could load playlists from a folder in series.
So far, this has only been done randomly.

We miss this function very much.
Constantly having to adjust the date of many files in our workflow makes no sense.
There are quite a few.

The Generator Pro or the Scheduler are good aids in themselves,
but not very useful due to the changing variables in our programs.

How do you currently select the playlists, do you use the getrandomplaylist command?
We don't use the Getrandomplaylist command because it can only load the playlist from the folder in random mode.
The playlists should be loaded one after the other in series.

The only option so far is to assign a specific date to each file.
We then load these via load C:\ ... \?yyyy-?mm-?dd.sdl

However, this is very problematic if the series shifts or something has to be inserted.
Then all 200 files have to be renamed. For example, if there is a power failure for one day, a radio broadcast is canceled and is not automatically made up for. In this case you have to manually edit and rename all playlists in the series ... is extremely tedious.

The programs build on each other ... for example "training programs via radio", "programs for medical prevention", "book readings", "Guessing games or interaction with the audience divided over several shows" etc.
The command should be like getnextplaylist where it gets the next playlist, but what about the order of playlists, should they be sorted alphabetically?
The idea with the getnextplaylist command fits very well.  :) :)

The selection could be by file name (alphabetically or by number).
That would probably be the easiest.
Changes in the series would be much easier to handle.

You could also use the date of adding to the folder as a criterion, but this is impractical
if the series of playlists is not created and saved in exactly this order.

Important: In order for the series to remain flexible and changeable afterwards, the list would have to be checked again with each execute command.
The biggest problem here is that is will have to remember the last playlist it took so it can move to the next playlist based on that. We'll consider adding this feature in the future.