Help with Playlist Creation


New member
Is there a way to save a playlist that has been created in the scheduler with Generator or Generator Pro without a person having to manually save it?  So that I could generate a playlist for each 24 hour day up to 7 days or more in advance without having to manually save each day?

Yes I use scheduler to generate the playlist for each day, but if I want to use it to create a weeks worth of playlists and store them like ?yyyy-?mm-?dd.m3u so that I can voice track them ahead of time I do not know how to do that.  Also I would like to pull music from different databases at the same time in generator.  I know how to do that in generator pro.  I may be asking too much or there might be a better way for me to do this?  Thanks
Scheduler used when you need to geenrate playlists automatically.

But you can do it manually: open Playlist Generator Pro, select the preset you want use, click "Generate" and then click "Save playlist...".

Pulling music from multiple databases/playlists/folders will be added in the future updates.
I meet the same problem.
He was convinced that this feature (generate m3u playlists from the scheduler) already existed in radioboss, but I was wrong.
Buy a new pc and set to the task of generating lists. (using network drives with the same path, etc.)
and then in the air pc would only have to load the generated lists with the scheduler.
But now I realize that this is not possible automatically.

any other ideas to make this?
Found it!, Was not wrong. :D,3165.msg10276/topicseen.html#msg10276

It would be nice to add the help included.  :)

there is a bug here.
This command does not work, no list is generated.
Just start playing the track again this air.

PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe -Preset=Trasnoche Music -out=R:\Listas De Reproduccion\Listas de programacion\Trasnoche.m3u8

I also tried putting "run" before all this and did nothing

Try to run this command in/for folders without space in their name. For example replace "Listas De Reproduccion" with "ListasDeReproduccion". Maybe this will work.
nelson c said:
there is a bug here.
This command does not work, no list is generated.
Just start playing the track again this air.

PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe -Preset=Trasnoche Music -out=R:\Listas De Reproduccion\Listas de programacion\Trasnoche.m3u8

I also tried putting "run" before all this and did nothing
If you run this command from the scheduler, you need to use run command. As your command line arguments contain spaces, the argument has to be quoted (this is the way command line arguments work).
So the resulting command will be:

run PlaylistGeneratorPro.exe "-Preset=Trasnoche Music" "-out=R:\Listas De Reproduccion\Listas de programacion\Trasnoche.m3u8"
Thank you! works.
You can increase the range of the timeout to generate a list?
600 seconds is very little.
Generate a list containing a preset songs 5000, takes about 15 minutes.
At the moment I have a connection network 100mb, later I will have to change the router to increase speed and spend a gigabit.
When you use the run command, the limit doesn't apply. It will wait whatever time needed to generate the list.