Pause Stream Titles


New member
Ok so, say I have a show that required a pause to do a live segment. I don't want Pause #number going out to the streams. Is there anyway where if I have an event to load the pause into the playlist, we can rename the pause automatically.
When you add pause via menu Playlist->Add timed pause, you can set the title your listeners will see (the "Set broadcast title" field).

If you start it from the scheduler event, change the task name to the text you want your listeners to see and set the "Send task name instead of track titles to server" option.
djsoft said:
When you add pause via menu Playlist->Add timed pause, you can set the title your listeners will see (the "Set broadcast title" field).

If you start it from the scheduler event, change the task name to the text you want your listeners to see and set the "Send task name instead of track titles to server" option.

The "Set Broadcast Title" feature does not work well with Live365 -- in fact, it causes problems.  It sends the broadcast title to Live365 as a song title with no artist or album information, which Live365 flags as invalid.  If you send more than 3 or 4 of them in a 3-hour period, you exceed Live365's limits and they can delist your station, effectively taking you off the air.

Can there be a way to configure Set Broadcast Title so that "dummy" artist and album data is included in the API?  Or if not, is there a way to optionally disable/hide Set Broadcast Title?  Thanks.
If you leave the broadcasting title empty when you insert the timed pause, it won't send the title at all. In this case people will see the previous track title while pause is being "played".
djsoft said:
If you leave the broadcasting title empty when you insert the timed pause, it won't send the title at all. In this case people will see the previous track title while pause is being "played".

I understand that, but our hosts are of varying levels of learning capability.  Some of them will see a software feature and try to use it, if even if they've been told that it does not work correctly with our webcast provider.

I was looking to see if there was a way either to configure the option so that it does work with Live365, or to disable the option so it doesn't do damage to the station (i.e., take us off the air).  After all, it's not that they're using the feature incorrectly, it's just that it does not work with Live365.  Thanks.
I think you should warn hosts about this. Just tell them not to set the broadcasting title for pause, and everything will be fine.

Do you use HTTP request to change Live365 titles? If yes, it's possible to "proxy" this request: RadioBOSS makes request to a script on your web site, and that script makes request to Live365. It can check the artist/title fields and skip requests without that info.
djsoft said:
I think you should warn hosts about this. Just tell them not to set the broadcasting title for pause, and everything will be fine.

Not if they don't remember. :)  Like I said, some are using it regardless of what we tell them.  I've apologized for the software not doing what it looks like it should do.  All I can do is try to work with you to come up with some way to get the feature to work correctly with Live365.

Do you use HTTP request to change Live365 titles? If yes, it's possible to "proxy" this request: RadioBOSS makes request to a script on your web site, and that script makes request to Live365. It can check the artist/title fields and skip requests without that info.

We don't currently but would like to -- I just need to find someone with the scripting skills (or learn how to myself).  I'm sure it's not hard to test the validity of the fields but right now we can't.
dashford said:
We don't currently but would like to -- I just need to find someone with the scripting skills (or learn how to myself).  I'm sure it's not hard to test the validity of the fields but right now we can't.
I remember I did posted a proxy script for live 365 in the past... and I've found this topic:,2918.msg9382.html#msg9382 we've discussed before.

An example proxy script was posted there which removes the "coverURL" if it's empty. Here's an extended version which won't perform a request if any of the "title", "artist" or "album" fields are empty:

//cycle thru parameters
foreach($_GET as $key => $val)
  //  ... create a new string with parameters and save it to $params variable
  if (!(($key == 'coverURL') && ($val == '')))
    $params .= '&' . $key . '=' . urlencode($val);
$params = substr($params, 1);

if (($_GET['artist'] == '') || ($_GET['title'] == '') || ($_GET['album'] == ''))

//perform request
file_get_contents("" . $params);

As you can see, it just checks if fields are empty and stops script execution (calls die() function), if fields are not empty it will pass the request to live365 servers.
Just a quick note for those using this script -- it doesn't handle apostrophes well in values, inserting a backslash in front of each one.  Luckily there is lots of code on the Internet for functions that convert characters when needed.
This script is just an example, it wasn't tested much.
If you found a solution please share it here - I'll include it in the topic about Live365.
I finally figured out why backslashes were being added before quotes (and double-quotes) using the above script.  It wasn't the script's doing at all -- it was being done by the Magic Quotes process in php (it's a somewhat outdated security method).

The easiest way to stop it is to disable the process in the php.ini file on your site's server (look for "magic_quotes_gpc=On" and switch it to "Off").  Easy peasy.  Supposedly you can also do it in php code with the stripslashes() function but I could never get that to work.

Also, you can precede the "file_get_contents" request at the end of the script with an "@" to suppress any warning messages you get back from the target server (we frequently get "Read timed out" errors from Live365's server).
Thank you for information. I did a little research and it looks like you can avoid editing php.ini file and just call
from within a script.

Live365 Instruction was updated to reflect this.