RB - Speeding up Music Library Searches


We store our music files on an Ethernet connected NAS.  We also store our music library xml files on the NAS so it can easily be shared between 2 PCs.  I think that slows it down a bit and some of our music library xml files are 60MB or 130MB.

I'm considering creating some batch files so that the stored music library xml files are copied back into a folder on each of the workstation PCs.  I think this might give slightly better performance with loading and searching the libraries.

Will the performance improve and if so by very much ?

Thanks,  Jamie C.
If music library is stored on a network, the first search you make on a library will be slow as it needs to load the library. If you have music library on a local hard drive, it'll load a lot faster.

So, making a local copy of a library on each workstation should speed up things.

Okay good, that makes sense and brings up another question.  Currently we have about 6 music library xml files which contain slightly different music types.  If we leave them as is we will have to open them up one by one when looking for different music types.  If we put them all together as a single music library xml file we will only have to open it up once and use it for all searches.

So for simplicity and speed and reliability are we best to have a single music library xml file or 6 of them ?  If 6 then the combined xml file size is likely to be about 250MB in size.

Thanks,  Jamie C.
I think we have a solution for this: RadioBOSS 5.1 will have a new feature: search in all libraries. You don't need to manually merge them in this case.