RB Track List Question


New member
When the same Track List is used in several playlists does the rotation feature work as a global function - or does the rotation work in an individual manner in each Track List location. Example: We have 12 advert blocks that go to air over a 4 hour period - so 3 blocks per hour. Each advert block is a playlist that holds 2-3-4 adverts. I was planning on putting a station ID in at the end of each advert block. To do this I was planning to use a Track List at the end of each advert block playlist. That playlist used by the "Station ID Track List" would be a common playlist. We would probably set the Track List option to: "Track Selection" = "In order" Is it likely that the "Station ID" track would move to the next track regardless of the advert block that is played ?
The rotation is global when the same Track List is used. The "same" means that all the parameters match: source, selection and other options. If one or more options differ, that would be different rotations.

In your case, the Station ID will move to the next track each time it's played.