show previous track


New member

it would be very nice to get information not only about the current and next track but also about the previous track.

Also the file syntax from the trackinfo.xml should be overworked. For reading out file data with PHP  the track info of NEXTTRACK should be defined as "NEXTTRACK ARTIST=", "NEXTTRACK TITLE=" and so on because it's hard (at least for me) to isolate it from the current TRACK info.
Thx, best wishes
Add your radio station in (it is free) and you will get information like this:
munichcity said:
it would be very nice to get information not only about the current and next track but also about the previous track.
It isn't really necessary - you can cache previous track info in your script (use database or file). You can store previous track or a history, anything you need.

munichcity said:
Also the file syntax from the trackinfo.xml should be overworked. For reading out file data with PHP  the track info of NEXTTRACK should be defined as "NEXTTRACK ARTIST=", "NEXTTRACK TITLE=" and so on because it's hard (at least for me) to isolate it from the current TRACK info.
You shouldn't parse XML by yourself, use specialized XML scanning routines:
It's not possible (and actually there's no reason) to change XML generated by RadioBOSS - many people use this, and changing this format will break a lot of things.