Streaming URL Query


New member
OK so this is getting really embarrassing now as I am the only one asking dumb questions but I am sure this can be done I just don't know how,,,,

We stream some radio shows from syndicates and are taking on a live breakfast show from tomorrow.  When we stream their URL the track they are playing appears in the "On Air" section but the report (log) shows jsut the URL we have streamed.  So, if we relay their stream for 1 hour we may see (for example) 10 different song names appear in the green ON AIR boc and indeed the task in the Playlist changes title with every song but the log jsut shows the URL we relayed for 1 hour.

Is there any way that this data can go to the log so instead of showing the URL it shows each of the tracks played from that URL?  It would make reporting to performing rights so much easier and less time consuming.  Obviously RadioBoss is getting this info so I just need to find a way for it to log it?

Thanks for your help

Yes, the title in the playlist will change and new titles will be sent to HTTP request, nowplaying, FTP and other features if enabled. But not to the log.

The log will only have one record stating that stream was started, it won't add new records for each new track started in a stream... Whose stream is it? If it's yours, you'll have logs from the place where you're broadcasting it. If the stream is someone else's - then they should bother paying royalties.
It's someone else's (syndicate) but we have to pay royalties for our relay... they use another terrible pievce of software - ermmm... never heard of it... (well i have but i hated it )....but can produce log for me, just thought if it could do it in radioboss it saves me adding it manually but its no biggy!
