
New member
I like this new function...

New right-click menu command for playlist: "move under the currently playing track"

But what I would also like to see is the ability to move to TOP.  That way of you want to pick the next 10 song you want to play from your list you can just highlight them all and move to TOP so they are all grouped together and in a row.

This will make it much easier when you get requests or just want to hear your 10 favorites in a row. Once they are grouped and moved to top you can put them in the order you like, maybe even tag them like a favorite group so you don't always have to make a new tab and move them over. So many things you can do with a feature like this.

Build a quick playlist
Mark as Favorites
Move to new tab
Move to top
Add to category (Jingle, commercial, Favorites)
Group - drag where you want in the list
Group in order by Name - Time - etc... (this would require giving the group and name and tag info.

Yeah I'm getting ahead of myself.  ;D

Endless option just highlight and go...


I'm not sure about groups - from the first sight it looks complicated. But quick commands to move tracks to top/bottom/another playlist may be added in one of the future updates.