Voice Track Enhancement


Suggested Enhancement

    Enhance the Voice Track function to have options similar to events.  To be able to add a voice track that will expire and or delete after x number of playings or expire and or delete on a specific date/time.  This would enable the placement of time sensitive voice tracks.  For example, an artist's furture live performance information as the intro to that artist's song but whose information will not be valid after a certain date/time or that might be stale after x number of plays.

Thank you for your consideration
Thank you for the suggestion! You can insert voicetracks from the scheduler and use the waiting options to make it delete when the time expires.
Either I do not totally understand the scheduling options or I did not make my request clear enough.  I am trying to place a voice track into the playlist at a specific spot like it currently works but that is not related to a start time option or start date option. This item would be subject to an expiration date option or a number of times played option either of which would terminate/delete this playlist item upon expiration of the selected option. I do not see a way to make this happen using the scheduler. 

Thank you.
Currently this is not possible, and I don't think voice tracking feature can be extended to achieve this. For the next version we have a new feature planned, that's called "Auto Intro" - it will allow to insert voice tracks based on some conditions.

You can also consider using the "Voice insert" feature - right click on a track in the playlist, Track Tool, Voice Insert - you can assign a track (or a list of tracks) for a music track and they will play with set probability.