RB request - Artist bio information

Here's a suggestion to support presenters using RB in announcer assist mode: 
Would it be possible for you to incorporate a feature that automatically loaded artist metadata in the web window as the chosen track in the playlist was playing?  I'm not a programmer, but I imagine that URL's to Discogs using their API might make this possible.  This would enable presenters to provide detailed commentary using artist bio and album information.  The feature would instantly find content to match the music being played, including images, Wikipedia entries and music videos. Program makers could review this and approve or hide it, as well as searching for other content manually.  What do others think? ;)
We've had similar requests in the past, but no really workable solution was found. One of the possible solutions we currently consider for the future is to open additional information in a separate window where it searches artist name in internet.

If you need it now, you can use nowplaying notifications to send requests to your web site, it then can find artist info and display it on a web page (automatically updated). You open this page in the web browser and always see the current artist info. The main problem here is all that needs to be programmed :)
Thanks for the quick response...  this would be a worthwhile addition and add immense value and attractiveness to RB. Cheers!