Next relase RB 5.9.5


New member
Hi, can you please make an announcement, when the next minor bugfix version of RadioBoss is going to be released? At least, if you know it. Waiting for a little bug to be fixed. Thanks a lot in advance! Bye.
We don't plan on releasing any 5.9 updates, the next release is a major update - RadioBOSS 6.0.
[BUG POTENTAIL] Ok Dimitri I found a bug in Auto Intro .If you put 200 seconds and its after the end of the song  the mp3 announcement is cut of as the announcement  transits to new song such as britney toxic and the next katy kissed a girl  then the announcement stops when the next song katy starts cutting it off.  I hope this helps perhaps you could add variable %seconds at same time when you fix this :) X Also I love the little text under play its super but hmm could we have a reject button by clicking it please or something like I hope you like this input :)