What happened to Radioboss.fm? I cant log in to my account

There's something strange going on with all radioboss.fm sites (including the streaming servers), unable to access them when using a vpn (but I am able to access any other site). If I disconnect the VPN then I can login to radioboss.fm fine and listen to their streams.
There was a problem with our DNS service provider. It is resolved now, but changed will take some time to propagate to all DNS nodes.
Hay que SER pacientes y esperar a que los cambios en El DNS surtan efectos, a Esto secle llama propagation y a Nivel mundial puede tardar hasta 24 horas.


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Qué es la propagación de los DNS?​

La propagación de los DNS es el período durante el cual la configuración de los servidores DNS del dominio se difunde entre los servidores de toda la red de Internet. Esta dispersión es automática (porque no hay nada que pueda hacerse para acelerarla) y es gradual (porque no se realiza totalmente de un instante a otro, sino que poco a poco se dispersa alrededor del mundo).
El tiempo de propagación puede durar entre 24 y 48 horas. Durante este período de dispersión notarás intermitencias tanto en la visualización de la web como en el servicio de correo.
It depends on DNS cache, and when it's updated. Even when you were not able to use it, most of the listeners were able to tune in within hours after a fix was made. For some listeners (about a third), there was no problem at all.

We've fixed it, and, most importantly, made sure it will never happen again. The root cause was Namecheap's DNS servers, they assigned incorrect (expired) DNSSEC records and this rendered the domain unavailable for some users.