ADs scheduler option


New member

  Tasks created by the ADS scheduler have the "Remove previous schedule from playlist" activated.
Is it possible to have on option to disable this.
The way I tried to use the Ads scheduler is to insert Ad break within a musical playlist generated by the scheduler at midnight. When an Ad is inserted the playlist is removed.
I just need to insert Ads at specific time in an existing playlist.

Hi Dmitry,

  I am started to use ads more intensively and using the regular scheduler to insert Ads within the daily playlist is getting complicated.
Would it be possible to have a private release of the Ad Scheduler only that includes this feature (Remove previous schedule from playlist" disabled). ? If compatible with the current RB version of course.

Yes, that's possible. I've sent the current version of AdScheduler to your e-mail. Note that it's a version under development and it can contain bugs.