Ads Scheduler


Active member
We are having an issue with Ads Scheduler.
"Priority" is definitely a useful element for separating ads, although it would be better to have a larger range, like from 0 to 99.
However, the major problem arises when we schedule an ad to start from next week, for example, we can't preview how the block will be arranged, and therefore, ads from the same category may end up together.

We don't mind having 2 or more ads from the same category in the same block, but we never want them to be adjacent, meaning one after the other.
This makes the "test all blocks" feature provided by RadioBoss ineffective for us, unless we can configure it to determine whether the ads should be consecutive or not.

What solution can you suggest for this problem?
The "test all blocks" will find such cases (same type of ad following one another) but it currently can't do anything about it automatically. I'm not sure what the solution would be here. If it's to rearrange the ads, it can break arrangement by priority.

We'll extend priorities range in the next major update.
Maybe a solution is to add a filter like the image:

Maybe a solution is to add a filter like the image:
The problem is not with testing, but with doing something (automatically) if it detects a problem. It can already detect "consecutive" ads, if they are from the same "Type" - did you try using this feature?
The manual said: "
The Test All Blocks button allows you to check all blocks. The following parameters are checked: whether there are 2 or more clips of the same type in a row, whether a block exceeds the maximum duration (specified in settings)."
That means, I think, if there are 2 or more ads in the same block, but they don't have to be consecutive
We would like to be able to specify that they are obviously of the same "Type" but that they are consecutive or not.
¿Cómo haces eso?
Cuando cargas los avisos, tenes un cuadro deplegable que se llama: Tipo, que en realidad seria Rubro, tu ahi vas poniendo el rubro del aviso: supermercado, financiera, restaurant, ropa...etc etc... y cuando pinchas "Probar todos los bloques" te denuncia todos aquellos que tengan 2 o mas Tipos (rubros) iguales
That means, I think, if there are 2 or more ads in the same block, but they don't have to be consecutive
Manual says "2 or more clips of the same type in a row" means it checks if they a consecutive. If there are two ads in the block, it's OK, if they follow one after another, test blocks will warn about it.
... but it will also warn if they are not consecutive and that is what we do not want!... that is why I ask you if you can incorporate a filter so that it only looks for consecutive ads
... but it will also warn if they are not consecutive and that is what we do not want!... that is why I ask you if you can incorporate a filter so that it only looks for consecutive ads
It will not warn in this case.

- no warning

- warning