Can I have RadioBoss in a network?

Is it possible to have RadioBoss set up in a two or three machine network?

It would be good to have one on-air machine for playback, and at least one other machine for playlist generation, adding songs, editing song info etc.

Each machine would have RadioBoss on it.

I realise this would mean that all computers might be accessing the music database file at the same time.

Is this possible?

Thank you for your advice.
Yes, it's possible.

The setup should look like:
1) On-air machine: RadioBOSS, base.xml file somewhere (the default path, or else. But you need to share it on network).
2) Second computer: RadioBOSS, in the Settings->General you select the Base.xml file from the On-air computer (the path'll look like "\\OnAirComp\Somefolder\base.xml"). This make both computers to share the same base.xml file. Note that you shouldn't edit music base from two computers simultaneously as this will lead to a corrupted data.
3) You can also generate playlists from second computer (or add another computer with the same settings as the second one), and export generated playlists manually to on-air machine (using remote desktop control, or saving to a shared folder).