Fecha de caducidad 'On stanby'

Necesito crear eventos secuenciales. Por ejemplo: una lista que se emite del 25 de junio hasta el 9 de diciembre. A partir del 10 de diciembre, se emite otra lista, especifica para el periodo de navidad y el 7 de enero se vuelve a emitir la primera lista hasta el 24 de junio. Y este ciclo se repite cada año.

He intentado hacer 3 eventos secuenciales. Uno empieza 25/06 y acaba el 09/12, el siguiente empieza el 10/12 y acaba el 06/01 y el tercero empieza el 07/01 y acaba el 24/06.
Teniendo en cuenta que cuando un evento está deshabilitado, no se habilita de forma automática en la fecha de inicio, el problema que tengo es que para poder repetir este ciclo cada año, necesitaría otra opción de caducidad: que cuando llegue la fecha de caducidad, en lugar de deshabilitar o suprimir el evento, se mantenga en espera (On stanby), hasta la siguiente fecha de inicio (que seria al año siguiente).

Tal como funciona ahora, tengo que estar pendiente de habilitar cada evento cuando se acerca la fecha de inicio.
I need to create sequential events. For example: a list that is issued from June 25 to December 9. Starting on December 10, another list is issued, specific for the Christmas period, and on January 7, the first list is issued again until June 24. And this cycle repeats every year.

I have tried to do 3 sequential events. One starts on 06/25 and ends on 12/09, the next starts on 12/10 and ends on 01/06 and the third starts on 01/07 and ends on 06/24.
Taking into account that when an event is disabled, it is not automatically enabled on the start date, the problem I have is that in order to repeat this cycle every year, I would need another expiration option: that when the expiration date arrives, Instead of disabling or deleting the event, it is kept on standby until the next start date (which would be the following year).

The way it works now, I have to keep an eye on enabling each event as the start date gets closer.
Translated from Spanish to English with Google Translator.
Yes, currently that's not possible - we'll work on improving it in the future, to allow setting periods when an event should be active.
Perhaps a simple solution would be for the event to have an option: "enable the event on the start date". This would allow you to keep the event disabled until the next start date arrives and prevent several events from overlapping.

Translated from Spanish to English with Google Translator.
Perhaps a simple solution would be for the event to have an option: "enable the event on the start date". This would allow you to keep the event disabled until the next start date arrives and prevent several events from overlapping.
Agreed, I think we'll either make this an option, or simply make it work like this by default. This way, to disable event completely, its expiration can be selected to "Delete".