"Getorderplaylist" command


Is it possible to have a similar command to "getrandomplaylist" but to select a playlist from a folder in order each time? Similar to tracklist ie load a playlist from a selected folder and move to the next playlist when command is invoked again.
Is it possible to have a similar command to "getrandomplaylist" but to select a playlist from a folder in order each time? Similar to tracklist ie load a playlist from a selected folder and move to the next playlist when command is invoked again.
Selecting in order is much more tricker because it'll need to remember the "position" for each folder, and also deal with changes when playlists are added or removed. What end result do you need? It's possible there are other solutions for it.
Selecting in order is much more tricker because it'll need to remember the "position" for each folder, and also deal with changes when playlists are added or removed. What end result do you need? It's possible there are other solutions for it.
Thank you for the reply. I thought it would be complex. I have a series of playlists (about 200)which are actually 2 hour programs. They contain 4 x 30 minute segments (Part 1, 2, 3 & 4) with ad breaks in between and jingles. I need to play them in series/order.

I could add the program segments as a tracklist... however, a small hickup, restart.. addition etc would upset the sequence. The same problem could apply if I used the music scheduling as the program segments are effectively a tracklist scenario. If I use the event scheduler, then I would need to add 200 events or schedule daily. It would be much easier if I could simply schedule one event similar to getrandomplaylist command from a defined folder. And I agree, This folder's playlists structure must remain unaltered as not to disturb its order/segments to be aired.
I could add the program segments as a tracklist... however, a small hickup, restart.. addition etc would upset the sequence.
There will be no "hiccups". It doesn't matter, technically, how the tracks starts: from playlist or from Track List.

And I agree, This folder's playlists structure must remain unaltered as not to disturb its order/segments to be aired.
This is what makes this feature not really useful, it's very rare when one needs to start playlists in sequence, and also keeping the folder unchanged for a long time.

If you have ready programs that are supposed to start at certain times daily, probably you can utilize "file name templates": https://manual.djsoft.net/radioboss/en/scheduler_options.htm
This will allow creating a single (or 2-3 events) that will start files based on templated file name.