Minimum latency on line input


New member
We are testing Radioboss to work in a very particular way.

We have two studios connected via 'line input' to RadioBoss - which is installed on a computer outside the studios, in a master control room (let's call it Master playout). This copy of Radioboss is essentially streaming everything to our audience (prerecords, ads, live studio feed, overnight music)

Live programming is coming from each studio via 'line input' - meaning that the master Radioboss is 'listening' to each studio.
This way, we automatically override 'line inputs' (live studio feed) with ads when no one is at the studios.
This also helps us to 'free up' studios from being on air all the time.
Does it make sense ?

The issue we are having is that when presenters are monitoring their live program in the studio, they can hear themselves with a tiny delay in their headphones, as they are listening to what is coming via the 'line input' (so when the ads are playing, they will hear the 'override' and they will know they are off air. (The master Radioboss simply switches from 'Line input' to a scheduled event)

The master Radioboss is installed on a dedicated PC, with a Digigram VX222e sound card.
We use ASIO.

No matter how low we setup the latency, there will be always a tiny delay.
Is there a way to avoid latency or bring it to almost zero so it's not noticeable for presenters ?

Is there a way to avoid latency or bring it to almost zero so it's not noticeable for presenters ?
You need to use ASIO for both playback and inputs, this will, I guess, provide the lowest possible latency.