Playlist Generator Pro Addition


Would it be possible to add the following?

  With Playlist Generator Pro it is currently possible to create a playlist with enough iterations of the "Rotation" to fill a defined time period.  Would it be possible to add a second option to create the playlist with n number of iterations to insure that the playlist will have an exact multiple of tracks based on the "Rotation" and not based on a time period?



  • Playlist Generator Pro.JPG
    Playlist Generator Pro.JPG
    48.6 KB · Views: 429
For what purpose this can be useful? You can create playlist with more tracks then needed if you want to ensure it has at least N tracks.
djsoft said:
For what purpose this can be useful? You can create playlist with more tracks then needed if you want to ensure it has at least N tracks.
Agree !
For what purpose this can be useful?

Time savings and ease of use is my motivation.

Each person has their own reasons and requirements for the manner they choose to build a playlist and I do not know if anyone else would ever use this change. 

My need is to build a playlist to contain each of the 60 tracks in the Top 60 category plus the variety of tracks from the other categories. My current playlist has 180 items.  I use Playlist Generator Pro  with 30 Rotation entries and the time parameter set to ensure a list of more than the 180 tracks I need for my daily playlist.  However, I then manually edit out the additional items.  With this modification,  a Rotation list of 30 items and then 5 additional iterations would build exactly what I need without the manual editing. Thus, time savings and ease of use.

However, I can and will change the Rotation list to have all 180 entries and it will then generate the playlist that I need that requires no editing. Mission accomplished?

Thanks for your consideration. said:
 However, I can and will change the Rotation list to have all 180 entries and it will then generate the playlist that I need that requires no editing. Mission accomplished?
This will work, yes.
As for the original request, I'm not sure that this feature will be useful for many RadioBOSS users, so it's unlikely to be added.