Possible problem in internal encoder


New member
Hello !

This is maybe possible problem, not sure .... but ... Here is problem:

1. Set internal encoder (mp3 or aac/aac+) in RadioBOSS to streaming audio to the SHOUTcast server (server is not in my office).
2. On first computer start listening this streaming (with WinAmp)
3. After two hour, start listening this streaming on second computer.
This stream is delayed about 5 seconds compared to the first stream.
My conclusion is that internal Encoder does not send data fast enough to the streaming server.

For test, use another encoder and repeat 2) and 3). All is correct, delayed is maybe 0,5 sec.

Any info about this ?

Thanks !
[quote author="IgorPobi"]For test, use another encoder and repeat 2) and 3). All is correct, delayed is maybe 0,5 sec.[/quote]
Is it a big issue with this 0,5 seconds? I think this can happen because of internal buffering in the players - and so it cannot be fixed on RadioBOSS part.
Currently I can not use internal encoder embedded in RadioBoss for such a stream at the listener after 10-12 hours of starting buffering. My solution is to send streaming on Virtual Audio Cable output, and that it is coded to the other encoder.
It is not clear to me why this is so ... Constantly have the feeling that RadioBOSS encoder can not send data fast enough to SHOUTCast server ....