RADIOBOSS.FM stream hosting [beta]

Make sure you're broadcasting using Shoutcast v2 mode (I'm not sure if Simplecast supports it).
You can also try RadioCaster:
Except for user-specific settings, all other server options are at their defaults. I think it should act like most of the other Shoutcast v2 servers out there...
Hi Dmitry:
I can not connect to the server, my account is 9036.1
Radio caster says "can not start broadcasting": Error -1 no descpription
nelson c said:
I tried but the problem persists.
According to logs, another source is connected to a stream. Connected source is your RadioBOSS Hosted instance - you should try turning it off and server will become available.
Ha .. Thank you!, Did not remember, probably that.

Accidentally deleted the folder of important emails in my box.
Please send me the data can access from RadioBOSS Hoster, Radio Caster and key to RadioBOSS again?

I was able to recover data access hosted radioboss :).
Disable transmission from there, now RadioCaster sends audio to the server.
But does not the link to listen to the radio.

Restart the server either fix the problem
Now it looks like source is connected but doesn't send any audio data. Are you sure you selected the correct audio source for RadioCaster - do you see level bars moving?
Yes, even I have shoutcast server installed on the same pc and works perfectly.

if you want I send email, the data from the server to check that there.
You can try registering another account at and check if it's working. Also open Statistics in RadioCaster and see if numbers of data encoded and data sent are equal.
Thanks for the help, create another account, but it is the same

RadioCaster status shows that data is being sent to the server (coded and sent the amount equals)
It's hard to tell what's wrong... The log seems fine and lll other accounts work fine too. The service will be updated soon allowing Shoutcast Admin access, I think it should solve the problem.

You may also try broadcasting using RadioBOSS.
Thanks for the help, I just got to fix the problem:
Apparently if the encoder is selected, "Public" causes these problems.
Disabling this works as perfect :)
Yes, this is a known issue (,3130.msg10273.html#msg10273), sorry I didn't tell you about the "public" flag problem earlier.
Now how do I get it to validate on my license page with streamlicensing? I entered the info as requested but it is not validating so they cannot read the data.