Scheduler "Play one track..." selection "In order"


If i create for every day at 4pm a scheduler "Play one track from playlist/folder" i see in the next window the settings Track selection "Random and "In order".
If i select "in order" it will play always only the first mp3 file from the selected folder.
Can I set this so, on Monday play title1, on tuesday titel2, on Wednesday titel3, etc... is played?
Or what can i understand with the selection "In order"?

You understand it correctly.
It 'remembers' the position in the source within one session. If you don't close RB - it will take first file, then second and so on.

The future 4.9 release will keep the position even if you close the program.
Yes, I'm sorry for this... Some of the changes which were promised for 4.9.0 were not included. It's still in the queue and will be added in one of the future updates.