Teaser problem


New member

I'm using the latest version of RadioBoss.  I'm using the Teaser feature.

I selected three .mp3 files for beginning, transition and end and I ask the event to generate.  The problem I have is the three files are voice files and they are very loud, but the music teasers are very low.

What I am doing wrong?

You can lower down the volume for your jingles (start/transition/end) to match music level.

I did that and it worked.  I tought the compressor would do it automatically but I guess because those are short tracks it doesn't have time to do it.

Thank you.
gaetanlabrecque said:
I did that and it worked.  I tought the compressor would do it automatically but I guess because those are short tracks it doesn't have time to do it.
Yes, compressor doesn't work instantly, so it can't be used as AGC in this case...