Title and song and artist

Hi is there away I can set playlist to show title of show and also display the Artist and Song, all 3 not just artist and song for webpage.
Playlist Title. Motown in the afternoon.
Artist Name. Michael Jackson.
Song Name. Thriller.

Cheers Mike
Yes, Mike 'see my posts' turn ftp on in Settings>>Reports and add your credentials from your ftp upload. to upload data to your website. You might be able to do that this also by url but am having no success as the web routers block it. It could be because i am trying to send all variables which FTP does via XML
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Yes, Mike 'see my posts' turn ftp on in Settings>>Reports and add your credentials from your ftp upload. to upload data to your website. You might be able to do that this also by url but am having no success as the web routers block it. It could be because i am trying to send all variables which FTP does via XML
Hi HHHHH, think we may be getting confused here, I am trying to do this on RADIOBOS FM CLOUD widget.

Is there any way I can display ( USE EVENT TITLE AS BROADCASTING TITLE) or (PLAYLIST NAME) along with %artist - %title in the widget. Eg. BREAKFAST SHOW 8 - 10. MICHAEL JACKSON. THRILLER.

See attached. p6 is the widget output. will only display broadcast title, or %artist - %title not all 3. Mike


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Is there any way I can display ( USE EVENT TITLE AS BROADCASTING TITLE) or (PLAYLIST NAME) along with %artist - %title in the widget. Eg. BREAKFAST SHOW 8 - 10. MICHAEL JACKSON. THRILLER.
Currently that won't be possible with RadioBOSS Cloud.
Peanut You can put up an event as a SID but currently the SID I am using it but not sending the image in XML I am not sure why currently I changed image but this doesn't come out in XML. I am trying to work this out.

You can add a type of track to Settings>File Type that will output placing different track tags
Hi all depends whether or not your question is about RadioBoss or RadioBoss Cloud !, I'm guessing your on about showing a DJ users image when his on line? Mike
Peanut I don't use cloud player presently just have not gotten around to it. We have website to do all that which I test the stream port to detect if stream is active so that I can put a gif up of player but I am intending to change this to put several up for different BPM so that it becomes more animated for different types of music . The SID is very helpful but is not working how we wanted it to we have three SID that have images associated. I expected the artwork to follow the sound but it doesn't in this special case of voice over as its treated differently.. I am hoping Dmitri can shed some light on this
OK. Far as I can tell, apart from cover album images, certain things like Broadcast - Meta tag include station id. don't seem to work, its a bit like the mic section because of latency that is to slow. Now don't get me wrong, for tight programming RBoss is the best out there, and over the past 10 years I've tried them all. If you run a precise time schedule and you need a certain image at a certain time on your webpage, 24/7 7 days a week, use a short script which I ran on my 2020 site, this would change the DJs image at the given time. If this would adequate for your needs, I can dig it out of archive and post to you. Mike
Dave just turned up, we both don't seem what your trying to achieve in RBoss, but the easiest way is if you want to view a .gif file dependant on its BMP on your webpage, best do it via an audio player that reads the BPM of track and displays the relevant image. Hope this makes sense. Mike
Mike it fine I have made them into GIFS transparent back grounds I am extracting code from MetaData which is great, and this gives me BPM which Rb is pretty good at generating. I would not use anything else but RB as we have been using a long time on website I am going to try two to start with at under 100 and over 100 bpm faster or slower GIF. I also wonder if this log on DJ could be sent into XML then you could read new dj :) its currently under test here http://deniserose.ezyro.com/music_now_playing.php
Yes perfectly, as you probably have figured out by now we are a community radio station for the area we live in and after a FM broadcast license which Ofcom are reviewing. All that we do here is undertaken by volunteers who feel that broadcasting helps with their mental health issues from building mixing desks, network servers to website. Over the past 10 years we have found that there is not a lot of mileage in streaming radio, it has to be DAB or FM enabling use to attract about 10% listening audience. of the 250,000 residences in our area its a no brainer.

Here something that may interest you, in house builds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW22mQZrlfU

Regarding the login DJs, I would imaging they would be using Radio Boss and would guess their machines may have to be setup accordingly.

All my remote DJs tend to use RB or Virtual DJ for mixing and will stream to other servers as well as mine.

Good luck. Keep InTouch.

KR Mike. https://www.sugaradio.uk https://sugarradio.uk https://sugadab.co.uk https://soulsville.co.uk https://k-pop.uk in BETA at the moment https://www.sugaradio.uk/80s/index.html
Mike stick with RB, good luck with that I never heard anyone get any sense out of them Laughs. You most likely won't get a licence to broadcast on your own aerial, but a shared port shoutcast or icecast or similar login that routes this to their ariel assets. Well done if you get it .