Transferring Playlist Generator Pro Presets from one computer to another


I have a bunch of presets (categories + playlist structure) that I created and saved on the Playlist Generator Pro of one of my older computers. I recently bought a new computer and installed Radioboss on it. My problem is that all my PGPro presets are in the old machine and I don't know how to transfer them to the new one such that I can run schedules based on those presets on the new machine. Is there a way of transferring this information, and if so, what is it? I'd hate to have to recreate the rather intricate numerous presets I designed.
You can transfer the presets:

On old computer:
- start RadioBOSS and in the menu click Settings->Open Settings folder
- navigate to Presets folder and copy the PlGenPro folder (PlGenPro folder stores all the presets you have for Playlist Generator Pro)

On a new computer:
- open the settings folder as you did previously and put the PlGenPro folder from old computer to Presets folder.