Tunein Set up


New member
I having hard time setting this up I keep getting the error

HTTP Request (#1) error: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Need some help
If you use the latest RadioBOSS - there's a wizard that will help with TuneIn integration: the "Configuration wizard" button when you add a HTTP request. For more information please see this page: http://manual.djsoft.net/radioboss/en/http_request.htm
This is the info that is giving form Tunein

Click Settings -> Options
Select ?Log files/Reports? section
You?ll see the ?HTTP Request? feature at the bottom, enable it, and in the URL field, enter this string:


Remember to replace the , and with the appropriate values. This includes the preliminary ?s? in front of the station ID. Also note that Your title and artist information should be set to be updated by your broadcast software in correspondence with the song currently playing.
This instruction does not appear to be very accurate. As you use RadioBOSS 5.7, please use the configuration wizard - it will do everything for you, so you won't have a need to build the HTTP string yourself.
In this case, please refer to this instruction: https://www.djsoft.net/smf/index.php/topic,3285.0.html