Using radioBoss as a music on hold


New member
I would like to know if theres a way that I can have a music track playing (endless loop) and then have 10 -20 messages playing on a loop (over top the music) as well, to feed a music on hold system. It would be great if the messages could be run within a schedule so you could have them run until a certian day then automatically be deleted from the message string becasue the event is over. It seems like all the pieces are there (jingles, commercials, play over air) I just can't figure out how to build it.

If you need one track to be played in a loop, click the button "repeat track" in the right bottom corner, if you need the playlist to be played in a loop, use "Shuffle" or "Repeat playlist" buttons (in "Shuffle" mode the playlist will be played in a random order, and will not stop).
To play messages over the music, you can use scheduler with the "Play above the air" option checked.
Please let me know if you have any questions.