What did I do??


New member
Hey guys, I have 3 events that start at specified times. I added a non-event playlist that I start manually from time to time and now when my other 3 events start they have one or more of the new playlist songs in their playlist...

So if I start the events manually they are fine. If the playlist goes on with the event, these other songs will show up at the beginning of that playlist. They aren't even in the playlists when I hit run now! 

Help!  :)
I'm not sure if I understood the problem. Can you please provide some screenshots of when the tracks are inserted incorrectly?
Any enabled playlist event always adds extra songs from some other playlist. Note the 1st 4 songs on the screen, they aren't in the playlist that just started, yet they show up all the time!

I think I need to re-install this. This has been the buggiest update I have ever seen from you guys.


  • Screenshot 2015-10-03 20.56.45.png
    Screenshot 2015-10-03 20.56.45.png
    361.3 KB · Views: 469
No one else reported anything like this... Please send us the screenshot of your event and the playlist file that it starts. I think it's some sort of misconfiguration.
It is just a timed events that triggers playlists. The playlists do not have those 4 songs in them... another playlist has those 4 songs, but it isn't a timed event that gets played.


  • Screenshot 2015-10-06 20.08.31.png
    Screenshot 2015-10-06 20.08.31.png
    393.1 KB · Views: 476
I\As I stated in my OP, they start normally. The haunted songs do no appear in any playlist when I hit run now, just when the event starts as a timed event.

I have deleted all my playlists, renamed them, deleted all my events and rebuilt them and still the bastard songs will pop up!!  Go figure? Not sure if one of my coworkers did any special flag or anything to those particular songs... is there such a thing?
This is impossible technically... If it inserts tracks, then it means that those tracks present somewhere. You need to find out where. Run Now and timed start do exactly the same, so if Run Now does not expose the problem, then tracks are inserted by another event. You may consider using the Clear playlist option when starting an event.

It's impossible in RadioBOSS to mark some songs to be inserted automatically - it only starts tracks or playlists that specified in the scheduled event, never more.
They might appear if, in your music folder, you have M3U or other playlist format like PLS, I've noticed the M3U playlist file in some of my Music Folders and delete them.


Ahh! I believe those songs are from a Mac. They are a different format. Why would the software get stupid over that?

Thanks for the info! Maybe I'll convert them (shouldn't have to though) . 
Mrshades said:
Ahh! I believe those songs are from a Mac. They are a different format. Why would the software get stupid over that?
Can you please provide more information?

Mrshades said:
Thanks for the info! Maybe I'll convert them (shouldn't have to though) . 
I don't think you should convert anything, at least, RadioBOSS doesn't need you to convert files for it.
The files are .m4a format. They just insert themselves into random playlists. Not sure how else to explain it to you... Another user has just confirmed this apparent impossibility. :)
Mrshades said:
The files are .m4a format. They just insert themselves into random playlists. Not sure how else to explain it to you...
Please send the playlist that is started by the event and we'll check it here. Also please clarify what exactly happens:
1. It loads a completely different playlist
2. It loads the playlist specified in the event, but adding some random tracks

While first option can be distantly possible (e.g. due to some sort of a bug event contents become interchanged), adding other random tracks while loading a playlist file is not possible, no way.

Note that the scheduler is an essential feature, therefore is's being extensively tested before every release. In rare case where there's a bug, we got tons of reports from users immediately. The bug you've reported wasn't reported by anyone else... If you want it to be fixed, we'll need your assistance - as I said earlier, at least we need to analyze your playlist file. A list of events will also be helpful (click List->Save and send the sdl file saved).

Another question: is your playlist file updated automatically e.g. you have an event that starts Playlist Generator and it recreates a playlist, or you use any external software to create the playlists?

Please install the latest RadioBOSS and see if the problem is still there.

Mrshades said:
Another user has just confirmed this apparent impossibility. :)
If you're referring to this post: http://www.djsoft.net/smf/index.php/topic,4379.msg20520.html#msg20520 then it's about loading playlist files, a different thing. It's a feature, when your playlist file can contain links to other playlists and RadioBOSS will load them. If your event loads directory contents, it may also pick up playlist files (m3u, m3u8) and load their contents - from your screenshot, it's not the case.
My playlists are very simple. I am an audio engineer for a production show in Las Vegas and I need Radio Boss to do just a couple of things.

1. Start my playlist at a specified time. Walk in music for the venue, dance music for later in the evening, etc.  (Timed events)
2. Events that I just hit Run Now to trigger a playlist. Like walk out music after shows.

All my music files I keep in separate folders (Walk Out, Walk In) and I usually just drag those files into RB and save the playlist from there. Save as, then a file name. Pretty simple. I have been using the program for years now and this is the 1st bug I have come across. But, this is the 1st artist that has brought me music files that were converted on Mac (m4a) format.

I have just converted the 4 possessed songs to mp3 and deleted the only playlist were they did reside.  I will let you know if they pop up anymore in any of my other playlists.  :)

Thanks for the assist!

OK, please let me know if it still doesn't work right (and if it happens, please send all playlists and event here for analysis).
Ok, so after converting those specific files I no longer have any issues. Go figure?

Thanks for all the help... I will post back if this monster rears it's ugly head again!  :)
Mrshades said:
Ok, so after converting those specific files I no longer have any issues. Go figure?

Thanks for all the help... I will post back if this monster rears it's ugly head again!  :)
It still looks like a coincidence to me, as it doesn't really matter for RadioBOSS what file format is used...