start time


I have a question about start times for tracks.

When I stop the playlist the music stops to play, that's how it supposed to be.

When I place a musictrack in the queue there is no time to start the track.
Is it possible that the E.T.A. (start time) starts by itself so the playlist is adapting the time?
When the musictrack is starting to play, the 'normal' action will go on until the same procedure will come along.
With this we can see what the remaining time is from the playlist.

We play drones and fillers through an cartplayer with a pad.
So the playlist has to stop sometimes.

I hope someone knows an answer to my question.

Thanks in advance.

DJ MIKEYMIKE1975 said:
Is it possible that the E.T.A. (start time) starts by itself so the playlist is adapting the time?
You can activate the "Continuous start time calculation" option: right click a track in the playlist and select the "Calculate start time" option.
DjDominic said:
There is no option for the "Calculate start time" when I right click on a track.
The option is only available for the playlists that are not playing right now.
DjDominic said:
When will the Start Time work with Gap Killer and Trigger Mix?
This is already possible, please see this guide:,4598.0.html
"To make RadioBOSS calculate the Start Time precisely, the Trigger Mix At has to be turned off."

If you scan your tracks in the library to remove silence does "trigger mix at" still have to be turned off?
DjDominic said:
If you scan your tracks in the library to remove silence does "trigger mix at" still have to be turned off?
When you scan the file, it sets a time based mix point (you can see it in Track Tool), so I suggest to disable "Trigger mix at" so that files without pre-scanned mix point will not break the precise calculation.