Accessibility feature

As a totally blind user, I would absolutely love to see an addon for the NVDA screen reader for Radioboss. But, if there isn't anybody who could create one, there is one thing you could do that could help. You could create an alarm of sorts for end of track. It would just be one medium length beep, which we could set to advise us when the end of a track is coming up. The user of course would define the number of seconds before the end of track when the alarm or notification beep would sound. It would be most ideal to have that sound on our pre-listen device, so as not to mess with the actual broadcast. An NVDA addon would probably have a feature like this, as well as a hotkey that would let us check remaining track time, but since we have no addon yet, this is something you could probably program, and might be usefull to others also even who are not blind. Thanks in advance for your consideration.
The next RadioBOSS will have some improvements for screen reader users - lots of windows with edit fields and some other areas will finally become fully accessible.
As for end of the track marker, we'll think about it. Currently if you tab to the Nowplaying box it should say how much playing time remains.
Hello, Thanks for this reply. For the now playing box, is there a certain part of the interface that I should unhide? In the view menu, I unchecked as much as I possibly could to keep the interface as simple as possible. Also, is there any way to hide player control buttons and only toggle them via hotkey? That would also minimize the amount of tabbing we have to do to get around the interface. This morning, I had a station id selected that the system didn't like for some reason. In trying to tab to the playlist, I managed to accidentally toggle the repeat track button, so when I finally managed to get playback working, it kept repeating the same track for a while until I finally figured out what was going on. Honestly, if there are ways to play, stop, skip to next track or go back via the keyboard, for us screen readers these extra controls can become redundant, and like I said, they also make for a lot more tabbing around. Personally, I would love to just have the now playing box, and the playlist in the tab order, and when needed all the stuff in the left panel, which I can hide and unhide as needed. By the way, I really like that you did that. :)
The nowplaying box is located in the Top Panel.

Hiding of playlist control buttons is not possible, but you can disable some of them from Settings->Controls.

There are hot keys for most of the playback commands - in the menu please click Settings->Hot keys, you can set them there.