Api Information by mountpoint and Json Icecast info


New member
I tryed using: "/api/info/MY_ID?key=MY_KEY" to get the Json data from API (Cloud) but it just shows "/autodj" info. And all information is empty...

Actually, I want to get ONLY "/stream" listeners information.

Also, I tryed to get by curl() to "/stream-json.xsl" as Icecast Dcumentation says, but that URL just works on web browser, and I want that information by curl() function. But it returns empty as "connection refused".

Could you help me in both cases.

tryed using: "/api/info/MY_ID?key=MY_KEY" to get the Json data from API (Cloud) but it just shows "/autodj" info. And all information is empty...
Can you please show the result of this command here?

Also, I tryed to get by curl() to "/stream-json.xsl" as Icecast Dcumentation says, but that URL just works on web browser, and I want that information by curl() function. But it returns empty as "connection refused".
Looks like curl is not being used properly. Please ensure that the request method, protocol etc are correct.
Can you please show the result of this command here?
API only shows "/autodj" mount point... And I want "/stream" mount point information.

"/streams" has many listeners, but in Json results shows 0, because only shows "/autodj" information.

This is the ALL the Json code after API connection:

  "autodj_title": "",
  "autodj": true,
  "nowplaying": "",
  "playback": {
    "pos": 0,
    "len": 0,
    "state": "stop"
  "nexttrack": "",
  "listeners": 0,
  "links": {
    "m3u": "http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/stream.m3u",
    "m3u_ssl": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/stream.m3u",
    "pls_uri": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/stream.pls",
    "http": "http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:0000/stream",
    "ssl": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:10000/stream",
    "port80": "http://xxxxxxxxxxxxx/stream/XX",
    "port443": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxx/stream/XX",
    "page": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxx/u/XX",
    "artwork": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxx/w/artwork/XX.png",
    "stationlogo": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxx/stationlogo/{{@user_id}}.png",
    "mounts": [],
    "api": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxx/"
  "recent": []

Looks like curl is not being used properly. Please ensure that the request method, protocol etc are correct.
Is there no restrictions tu execute curl() to radioboss icecast information?
The "nowplaying" part shows the currently playing track title, live or autodj.
If you have zero listeners, please change the server type in Settings / Advanced to Icecast KH.
Please, pay attention and help me... I don't want "nowplaying" information because I hate upload music to autodj cloud... I don't wan't another information for /live or /autodj. And my streaming is currently working with "url_radioboss:0000/stream", literally "/STREAM" mount point, that is its name.

Using API I want to get ONLY "/my_mountPoint" information.

I want ONLY "/stream" mount point information, as Icecast does with:

And Icecast shows just that mount point information.

Please, pay attention and help me... I don't want "nowplaying" information because I hate upload music to autodj cloud
The nowplaying will show you the track information even if you stream live.

Using API I want to get ONLY "/my_mountPoint" information.
We do not prevent that, Icecast is configured in a standard way so all usual APIs will work. I suggest you to check how you use cURL, looks like the call is not properly made.
The nowplaying will show you the track information even if you stream live.
Icecasts has an API that is better than yours. Just bring support to use it... Your API doesn't work.

I don't care nowplaying or all mount points information... I want specifically listeners, so I want ONLY ONE MOUNT POINT INFORMATION (as I said and Icecast API does)... Actually API shows the JSON empty (as I said).

Well, I think you don't know any about backend development because your answers were 0 functional and 0 focused on.

Now, API Icecast on your server doesn't work as before. I used this API since years ago (with you) and now, only a few days after I post this API Icecast discussion, its function is wrong.

I thought was a coincidence, but I used same Icecast API as always but on anothers servers, and guess what? Are working as usually was working before in your server.

I think is an intentional sabotage to impose your nasty API.

This service really sucks. Ending my paid month I'll left (after years with you).

SOLUTION (if someone need it)

radioboss API only shows "/autodj" information... and no more.

"/autodj" stream the same audio as "/live" mount point... You can check both mount points and listen the same.

So, all of you have to configure the software with "/live" mount point, and players to "/autodj" mount point.

Configure Software with Icecast with LIVE:  "https://cXX.radioboss.fm:00000/live"

Configure web players with:  "https://cXX.radioboss.fm:00000/autodj"  - (do not use "/live" mount point)

Then, configure the radioboss API to "https://cXX.radioboss.fm/api/info/Your_ID?key=XXXXXXXXXX"

The radioboss API shows only "/autodj" mount point information... If you use that mount point to configure all your players the API will show correctly listeners and all data, but this API doesn't show another data from any different mount point.

Well, I don't like this, but is a solution, and that's all.
I think is an intentional sabotage to impose your nasty API.
There's no such thing (we don't really care what API users will utilize). Please note that we use Icecast KH version by default (it proven to be better than regular Icecast) so probably it has some API differences. All common APIs like get listeners on mount poing, general server info - work as usual.