File tags and statistics


New member
Thanks to your info.. I joined in and am testing with flac encoder. THe listening sound quality is thriliingly good as I wanted. It is worth paying money. After testing, I like to join pay plan from small plan. However, I set up all the settings for live streaming in Radioboss program but some problems.

1. Listeners statistics shows... HTTP Request (#1) error : Error connecting with SSL error: 140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
2. File tags (file name) are not shown with Foobar2000 in my monitoring computer and cellular phone, but shown only "stream"
3. Of course artworks are not shown, neither. Where can I find "APIKey" in your instruction "POST /api/setartwork?id=StationID&key=APIKey&artwork=PICTURE"

Thanks in advance....
I generated APIKey in radioboss fm control panel => settings => account and put into Radioboss program => Reports => HTTP GET request box... Now, No error messages in the log panel, but No file name neither listeners. HTTP/1.o 401 Authentification Required message shown in Radioboss statistics panel. please help me...
I attempted in a lot of ways, listeners count are exactly shown in Radioboss statistics panel. But File name and artist in file tags are not displayed in listener's Foobar2000. I broadcast in two servers, one on our local server and the other on Radioboss cloud (actually in test now). On both, streamings are perfect. But, File names and artist are not displayed thru Radioboss cloud, but well displayed on our local server. I suspect the secret is settings=> sttreaming => Advanced settings=> Mount name on Radioboss cloud. I don't understand why mount name are different both in Radioboss cloud (Stream) and Radioboss (/live). Please help me soon. I have to broadcast....
It is correct, you need to use /live when you stream from RadioBOSS to RadioBOSS Cloud. And /stream mount point is used for listening. Artwork is not sent to the streaming service (it's not really supported by Icecast or players). When you send artwork from RadioBOSS as described here it will be shown in the "Artwork" widget from Integrations, so you can embed it on your web site.

As for track titles, do you see the current track title in the Overview section, when you have live stream active, it will show a "Live Source" box and also the current title.
When I put into "/live" into RB cloud Settings => Streaming => Advanced Settings => Mount point name, it pops up error message box " Invalid mount name".. In "Live source" box, nothing is shown, though I start streaming with Radioboss. It shows Playback status "Stop" Scheduler "Off" Data transfer "56.4GB of 1,000Gb".
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I tried everything I can do for several days. Still File title and artist tags are not shown on listener's media players. Through other servers, title and artist are appeared exactly, but on RB cloud servers, not shown. I think this error is caused by not Radioboss, but RB cloud server. I don't understand why RB server does not display the important file title and artist.. You makes programming both of RB and RB cloud. What happens this mystery?
When I put into "/live" into RB cloud Settings => Streaming => Advanced Settings => Mount point name, it pops up error message box " Invalid mount name"
You don't need to enter the mount point name. The statistics should be configured as described here:

In "Live source" box, nothing is shown, though I start streaming with Radioboss. It shows Playback status "Stop" Scheduler "Off" Data transfer "56.4GB of 1,000Gb".
The "Live source" should show the current track title that is playing in live stream. The Playback Status/Scheduler show the cloud state (not the live stream).

I don't understand why RB server does not display the important file title and artist.
It should display if everything is configured properly. Just tested it, the title is properly shown - see the image attached. When configuring the streaming, please use the Wizard, select "RadioBOSS Cloud" option and simply enter your username/password, it will configure everything for you. Create a new streaming encoder - just in case, and use the wizard there.


  • image_2021-02-21_175323.png
    50.4 KB · Views: 339
Thanks for your assistance,.. I found the problem is in case I set the encoder to flac mode, artist and file name was not displyed. But If I set encoder AAC or mp3, file name and artist exactly displayed in RB colud Overview and listener's player. So far, I think Flac streaming is not completely supported and the streaming is stammering intermittently. Yes I will abandon flac streaming and go back to AAC. However, my goal is broadcasting in flac mode, which will be with the world best sound quality.
I think Flac streaming is not completely supported and the streaming is stammering intermittently
FLAC does not support stream titles when used with Icecast server, this can be the cause. Using FLAC for streaming is not a good idea, the quality difference is practically nonexistent compared to high-bitrate MP3 or AAC, while bitrate is significantly higher and therefore higher requirements for bandwidth.
Thanks to your info.. I joined in and am testing with flac encoder. THe listening sound quality is thriliingly good as I wanted. It is worth paying money. After testing, I like to join pay plan from small omegle plan. However, I set up all the settings for live streaming in Radioboss program but some problems.

1. Listeners statistics shows... HTTP Request (#1) error : Error connecting with SSL error: 140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
2. File tags (file name) are not shown with Foobar2000 in my monitoring computer and cellular phone, but shown only bazoocam "stream"
3. Of course artworks are not shown, neither. Where can I find "APIKey" in your instruction "POST /api/setartwork?id=StationID&key=APIKey&artwork=PICTURE"

Thanks in advance....
I also manually generated APIKey in radioboss fm. For that I go to control panel => settings => account and put into Radioboss program => Reports => HTTP GET request box. Now, there are no more error messages in the log panel, but No file name neither listeners. HTTP/1.o 401 Authentification Required message shown in Radioboss statistics panel. please help me with this critical problem.
Thanks to your info.. I joined in and am testing with flac encoder. THe listening sound quality is thriliingly good as I wanted. It is worth paying money. After testing, I like to join pay plan from small plan. However, I set up omegle all the settings for live streaming in Radioboss program but some problems.

1. Listeners statistics shows... HTTP Request (#1) error : Error connecting with SSL error: 140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
2. File tags (file name) are not shown with Foobar2000 in my monitoring ome tv computer and cellular phone, but shown only "stream"
3. Of course artworks are not shown bazoocam, neither. Where can I find "APIKey" in your instruction "POST /api/setartwork?id=StationID&key=APIKey&artwork=PICTURE"

Thanks in advance....
I also physically created APIKey in radioboss FM. For this I go to the control board => settings => save and put in the Radioboss program => Reports => HTTP GET request box. Currently, there are no more error messages in the dashboard, but no record names or members of the public. The HTTP / 1.o 401 Authentication Required message appeared on the Radioboss measurement card. if it's not too much trouble help me with this basic problem.
Thanks to your info.. I joined in and am testing with flac encoder. THe listening sound quality is thriliingly good as I wanted. It is worth paying money. After testing, I like to join pay plan from small plan. However, I set up all the settings for live streaming in Radioboss program but some problems.

1. Listeners statistics shows... HTTP Request (#1) error : Error connecting with SSL error: 140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
2. File tags (file name) are not shown with Foobar2000 in my monitoring computer and cellular phone, but shown only "stream"
3. Of course artworks are not shown, neither. Where can I find "APIKey" in your instruction "POST /api/setartwork?id=StationID&key=APIKey&artwork=PICTURE"

Thanks in advance....
Thank you very much for this information.