First spot enter still

Hit 94

New member
Is there a posibility that when you program an event spots in the play list,the first spot can enter normaly without playing just like the next one in the list when you put the play list in pauze.

This is when you work in manuel mode.
Can you make that posible.
Best regards.
Hit 94 fm Aruba.
When an event starts, it will always start playback if the playlist is not playing. You can enable the "Do not start this event when the playlist is stopped" option to prevent it from playing. But in this case, the event will not be started at all (and won't be inserted into the playlist).
Please can you fix it in a next update so that when daily spots enter its just enter and not play in the playlist.
You can use the Manual option to start events manually if you don't want them to play.