Playing 3 in a row from the same artist

Interesting is what you do to create a space I "Mini concert", but I think can not.

I also at one point thought to make the "artist of the week", which is reproduced several songs of an artist himself all week. and automatically to next week to choose another artist from a Playlist.

But there is no way to implement something of this without making major changes in PLGen Pro.  :(
thecamaroshow said:
How would I set up for Radioboss to get 3 tracks from the same artist?
Is this a specific artist or you need 3 songs from a random artist?
3 songs from random artist but the same artist in a row. For example, 3 for Thursday or Block Party Weekend, Triple Shots from your favorite artist!
I'm afraid it is not currently possible with RadioBOSS to do this automatically. Sorry.
Most of the request actualy come to prevent artists or tracks being repeated :) There are also rules in many countries that prevent playing multiple tracks from one artist being played.
Would this help CamaroShow?  I googled for 'radio batch file select random track'

And...  actually, Block Party Weekend is not a bad idea. You would definitely play with the code below to get say 'Random Folder', 'Random Song', 'repeat 2 more times' to get 3 songs and place in a destination folder to be played by the Scheduler.  If only we had the resources for someone to sit and program it for us  ;D

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
cd \particular\folder
set n=0
for %%f in (*.*) do (
   set /A n+=1
   set "file[!n!]=%%f"
set /A "rand=(n*%random%)/32768+1"
copy "!file[%rand%]!" \different\folder


@echo off
E:\DTREE\dtree.exe /y ETUtils\DTPics\net\picxx.jpg
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set /a rand=%random%%%31+1

pushd E:\dtutils\dtpics\net\

set nbr=1
for /f "delims=*" %%1 in ('dir /a-d /b *.jpg') do (
set file=%%1
set /a nbr+=1
if !nbr! gtr !rand! goto getout

xcopy /y "%file%" "E:\DTUtils\dtpics\net\picxx.jpg"

Google search link:
A feature like this can be included in Playlist Generator Pro if there's enough demand for it.
I know here in the US, Rock Radio has Block Party Weekends, Triple Shot Thursday, Two Fer Tuesday and so on.......So I believe an option for this would be very advantageous. Who would agree?
Also, I have no idea how to use batch files and would not even attempt it......I think if it becomes possible in playlist pro then that would be way less complicated for me.

Rock on!
I've added it to requested features list for Playlist Generator Pro. I don't promise this feature for 5.4, but maybe you'll see it there :)
Hello thecamaroshow,

That's an interesting and useful feature.  You could do this:

1.  Create a playlist to store the songs you want to play - arranged with 3 songs in a row from each artist you wish to use

2.  Set up a TrackList pointing to that playlist and set it to work in order rather than in random

3.  Create a single playlist with that TrackList command entry entered three times.  We could call that playlist miniconcert.m3u

4.  Get RadioBOSS to insert miniconcert.m3u at the required time each day and it will play the 3 songs in a row

Done !  And with no waiting !

Jamie C.