Record broadcast for repeat playback


I'd like to record several hours of my broadcast for later repeat broadcast. I know this can be done with the "streamarchive" command via the scheduler. The issue I have with that, since the start of each hour "floats" up to 3 minutes before or after the hour, is the start and end of the recording occurs in the middle of a song. This makes for a bad transition at the start and end of the playback of the recording.

Is there a way to add the "streamarchive" command directly to the playlist? My thinking is, if I add the commands before the first song and after the last song, the recording will start at the beginning of the first song and end at the end of the last song.

I've searched the manual and the forum but have come up empty (though my searching skills leave much to be desired).

Is this possible? Thanks!

The MUSIC People
Yes, you can use Playlist->Add menu command to add streamarchive command.
Another question(s): is it possible to add the command to the playlist structure in Playlist Generator Pro?

Also, if I did want to add the command in the scheduler to start at 1pm and record for 4 hours (14400 sec), then stop and store the file in "C:\Users\mxpeople22\AppData\Roaming\\" for later use, would the command look like this:

streamarchive 14400 C:\Users\mxpeople22\AppData\Roaming\\filename.m3u8

Is there something I'd need to add to the command to record the audio prior to the DSP processing? I'll be playing the file back "on-air" so I wouldn't want the processed audio to be processed again.

thanks again...

The MUSIC People
Another question(s): is it possible to add the command to the playlist structure in Playlist Generator Pro?
Yes, on the Tracks tab press the ... button to add commands.

Is there something I'd need to add to the command to record the audio prior to the DSP processing? I'll be playing the file back "on-air" so I wouldn't want the processed audio to be processed again.
Currently not - we'll add an option to control that.
Update - if you use recent RadioBOSS versions, you can record without DSP: open Stream Archive window, press Settings button and check the "Record without DSP" option.
OK, I gave it the ol' college try, but it didn't work. I'm trying to play back a recording of the 1p thru 5p hours in the 1a to 5a slot. Here's what I've got set up so far:

I have a scheduler command to record the stream from 1p to 5p. (this worked)
The recording is set aside for later playback from 1a to 5a as "ovrnt.mp3" at the path "C:\Users\mxpeople22\AppData\Roaming\" (this worked)
I have my scheduled hourly playlist generation and playback paused between 1a and 5a. (this worked)
I have a command set to start playback of the file at 1a. (this did NOT work)

At 1a, there was silence, followed by playback of the emergency playlist via the silence detector. the emergency playlist repeated itself until 5a when the hourly playlist scheduler command kicked back in. Soooooo, I don't think I have the playback command set up properly.

The scheduler command I'm using is: "play C:\Users\mxpeople22\AppData\Roaming\\ovrnt.mp3"

Is there anything else that needs doing for this to work?

The MUSIC People
Does this also affect the scheduler command?
Yes, the command uses the same settings as set in that window (recording format and options), the only thing that you can change from the command is recording filename and duration.

The scheduler command I'm using is: "play C:\Users\mxpeople22\AppData\Roaming\\ovrnt.mp3"
This is not correct. play command is for different purpose, please check the manual:
To start a file, no command is needed, the event's action is the file name that you want to start, in your case it'll be simply
Streamarchive recording problem is still happening in RB v7.0.2.0. This occurs every once in a while and has been happening for over a year. Normally the event actions follow the pattern below with no error. When the error occurs, the ARTSCAFE_B.mp3 file becomes locked and the ARTSCAFE2613-03-33 gets written instead. Later when the file is called up to replay, RB cannot open the earlier file and playback fails.
You acknowledged earlier that there was a bug you would attend to in v7....;)

Capture RB.JPGCaptureRB2.JPGCaptureRB3.JPGCaptureRB4.JPG
You acknowledged earlier that there was a bug you would attend to in v7....;)
What we could, we did :) I'm not sure why it happens, it was never reproduced here, but a lot of fine tuning in streamarchive was made here and there.
A possible solution would be to add a template variable, like ?dd to make it write to each file each day. Or even ?hh if you want different recordings for each hour.

Template variables:

The core of the problem could be in the encoders, they keep the file locked and RadioBOSS doesn't have control over it. Or maybe it's some bug in RadioBOSS that we were unable to locate. But the effort was made.
Thank you Dmitry that is a very good suggestion. Would it be a problem if the scheduler saved files as flac but the streamarchive recorder used mp3? Maybe we need to ensure only one of them is used....
Thank you Dmitry that is a very good suggestion. Would it be a problem if the scheduler saved files as flac but the streamarchive recorder used mp3? Maybe we need to ensure only one of them is used....
When you use streamarchive command, it will record in the format as specified in the Stream Archive settings window.
When you use streamarchive command, it will record in the format as specified in the Stream Archive settings window.
Now that is interesting because we have been successfully saving some scheduler streamarchive events as FLAC and others as mp3. The settings window only has mp3 format set! I think I’ll try and use a single format as this might account for the glitches we get occasionally....
Now that is interesting because we have been successfully saving some scheduler streamarchive events as FLAC and others as mp3. The settings window only has mp3 format set! I think I’ll try and use a single format as this might account for the glitches we get occasionally....
Regardless of the file name you specify, it will record in the format as set in the Stream Archive settings.
OK so we tried your suggestion and now all stream archive recordings are using the format as specified in the settings. But the glitch where the file freeezes is still occuring every week unpredictably, so streamarchive command is still flaky and unreliable.
I sent you bug report today - see result attached. It happens in any situation where streamarchive command is used - in scheduler alone, in multiple files command etc. but not all the time! Can you please look into this issue again as it is one of the potentially very useful features of RB ...


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But the glitch where the file freeezes is still occuring every week unpredictably, so streamarchive command is still flaky and unreliable.
We have never seen it freeze, and no other users reported it. Could be something specific to your system, e.g. an antivirus that prevents operation or something like this. Does RadioBOSS freeze completely?

I sent you bug report today - see result attached.
No bug reports received, did it show you how many reports were sent?
RadioBoss does not freeze - as reported previously, the file gets locked and cannot be deleted or moved until RB is restarted. There was one report sent showing streamarchive trying to start but failing. When it occurs, it happens exactly when the streamarchive command runs in the scheduler. I have seen this reported by others on occasions.
RadioBoss does not freeze - as reported previously, the file gets locked and cannot be deleted or moved until RB is restarted. There was one report sent showing streamarchive trying to start but failing. When it occurs, it happens exactly when the streamarchive command runs in the scheduler. I have seen this reported by others on occasions.
We were never able to reproduce it and code was reviewed to ensure there are no potential issues. Maybe something else interferes. You can try writing to different file names to prevent it overwriting the files. Or use a scheduled macro like ?dd to write to a different file each day, but also overwriting old files each month.