Weather command not working

New member
00:05:00;scheduler;"Command ""weather Subotica, RS""";
00:05:00;scheduler;"Weather data updated.";
00:06:00;scheduler;"Schedule: TMP?temp";C:\Weather\Temp\TMP?temp.MP3
00:09:03;;Temperatura;C:\Weather\Temp\TMP?temp.MP3;"<TRACK LISTENERS=""1"" IDENT="""" ARTIST="""" TITLE=""Temperatura"" ALBUM="""" YEAR="""" GENRE="""" COMMENT="""" FILENAME=""C:\Weather\Temp\TMP?temp.MP3"" DURATION=""??:??""  PLAYCOUNT=""1"" INTRO=""0.00"" />"
00:09:03;error;"Unable to play! Error code 2 (unable to open the file/invalid server address).";

This has been going on for a while. What's wrong?
I'll add it to the list of bugs. Looks like a bug was introduced in one of the latest updates.