Check music tracks...



Unfortunately "Check music tracks..." tool from Music Library consume all remaining CPU. That produce short freeze.

Can you reduce the priority over the CPU of Base.exe ? I tried to set myself the priority to low, but no change. Thanks a lot, Dmitry.
I think that becouse of high CPU consuming and working very very slow "Check music tracks... " is useless. Why? I remake faster the same Library.


"Scan tracks and remove silance" is one of the best (best, best, best...) tool of RB Music Library.
pety said:
Can you reduce the priority over the CPU of Base.exe ? I tried to set myself the priority to low, but no change. Thanks a lot, Dmitry.
Yes, will be done in the next update.

pety said:
I think that becouse of high CPU consuming and working very very slow "Check music tracks... " is useless. Why? I remake faster the same Library.
Recreating the library doesn't check tracks. The "Check tracks" feature tests if tracks are actually playable and not corrupted.

pety said:
"Scan tracks and remove silance" is one of the best (best, best, best...) tool of RB Music Library.
Thanks! :)
Thanks for answer.

Can access "Check music tracks... " by command in Scheduler ? Some Libraries contents more than 2000 tracks. This operation can be done at night and in the morning to have the results of checking.
pety said:
Can access "Check music tracks... " by command in Scheduler ? Some Libraries contents more than 2000 tracks. This operation can be done at night and in the morning to have the results of checking.
As we already have commands to create a music library, a command to perform validation will be added as well in the future.