Custom encoder ffmpeg


New member
Hi. Is there the possibility of using ffmpeg as a custom encoder? I tried this way

c:/windows/ffmpeg.exe -i - -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 128k -

but radioboss delivers this error:

Encoder closed (output 2) - possibly unsupported format. Restarting ...

Is it necessary to add a special parameter in the command line?

There are two things missing, you need to tell the encoder about input format, and you should also disable logging for ffmpeg to make it output audio only.

Please try this:
ffmpeg.exe -loglevel -8 -f s16le -ac {Channels} -ar {SampleRate} -i - -c:a libmp3lame -b:a {Bitrate}k -

RadioBOSS will substitute {Channels}, {SampleRate} and {Bitrate} with actual values from encoder settings.
djsoft said:
There are two things missing, you need to tell the encoder about input format, and you should also disable logging for ffmpeg to make it output audio only.

Please try this:
ffmpeg.exe -loglevel -8 -f s16le -ac {Channels} -ar {SampleRate} -i - -c:a libmp3lame -b:a {Bitrate}k -

RadioBOSS will substitute {Channels}, {SampleRate} and {Bitrate} with actual values from encoder settings.
This parameter is also needed "-f mp3" (icecast server)
ffmpeg.exe -loglevel -8 -f s16le -ac {Channels} -ar {SampleRate} -i - -f mp3 -c:a libmp3lame -b:a {Bitrate}k -
Thanks for the help.


Same command does not work using the integrated server (Encoder closed (output 2) - possibly unsupported format. Restarting ...).

Manuel ? said:
Same command does not work using the integrated server (Encoder closed (output 2) - possibly unsupported format. Restarting ...).
It appears to be working fine here, with the command line you posted. Tested on the latest ffmpeg 3.4.1 for Windows 64.
Is there any way that Radioboss does not require "stdout" in the command and thus be able to transmit via udp?

For example:

ffmpeg.exe -y -loglevel -8 -f s16le -ac {Channels} -ar {SampleRate} -i -
-f format  udp://hostname:port
You can try it. RadioBOSS expects it to send to stdout so I'm not sure if it will work. But there's a chance it will.
djsoft said:
You can try it. RadioBOSS expects it to send to stdout so I'm not sure if it will work. But there's a chance it will.


With this configuration the encoder "ENC3" is not executed.


ffmpeg.exe -hide_banner -re -y -loglevel -8 -f  s16le -ac {Channels} -ar {SampleRate} -i - -c:a libmp3lame -b:a {Bitrate}k -f mpegts "udp://"

The only way to work is by generating two outputs. One UDP and another STDOUT but this is not ideal.

ffmpeg.exe -re -y -loglevel -8 -f s16le -ac {Channels} -ar {SampleRate} -i - -c:a libmp3lame -b:a {Bitrate}k -f mpegts "udp://"  -f mp3 -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 4k -
djsoft said:
Manuel ? said:
The only way to work is by generating two outputs. One UDP and another STDOUT but this is not ideal.
Why not ideal?
Because I need to configure an icecast server only for RadioBoss to execute the FFmpeg command (if I leave the empty spaces in the transmission configuration [server, password, etc] the command is never executed). I only need the first output by UDP. The second one by Icecast is not useful for me.
Manuel ? said:
Because I need to configure an icecast server only for RadioBoss to execute the FFmpeg command
You may try using the built-in server in RadioBOSS for this purpose instead.