Problem with Radio Logger


We are having problems with Radio Logger that we are unable to resolve.

1. Initially it stopped making a new file every 60 minutes and instead made one big file of hundreds of hours.

2. Whenever it was set to 60 minutes it make a HUGE file.  Setting it to 59 minutes made a 59 minute file.  Setting it to 61 minutes made a 61 minute file.  Setting it to 30 minutes made a 30 minute file.

3. For simplicity of logging we opted for the 30 minute file so it was easy to locate the correct file when we needed to without having oddball time stamps.

4. Since doing this it has unexpectedly gone offline and stopped recording 2-3 times in the past week and  brought up an error message.

As well as using the Radio Logger for our 24 hour logging record we also the recording for preserving important live interviews of visiting celebrities.

Any ideas ?

Thanks,  Jamie C.

Please try using the latest RadioLogger 2.5, it should fix all the problems you're having.
