RadioBOSS Cloud [alpha]

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I like to organize my music using the format "song title - artist."

All of my MP3 music files are stored in the format: SONG TITLE - ARTIST.mp3

In RadioBoss Cloud under:
/Settings  /Streaming 

the "Stream title format" is set to:
%title - %artist

RadioBoss Cloud displays the songs in the format "SONG TITLE - ARTIST" in the following areas:

/Overview  /Now Playing
/Overview  /Recent Tracks
/Media  /File Manager
/Media  /Playlist
/Stream Page  /Now Playing
/Stream Page  /Recently Played Tracks

However, RadioBoss Cloud displays the songs in the format "ARTIST - SONG TITLE" in these areas:

/Overview  /Last Track
/Overview  /Coming Up Next
/Overview  /Playlist

If I set my "Stream title format" preference to:

%title - %artist 

shouldn't all my songs be displayed in the format "SONG TITLE - ARTIST" in ALL areas of RadioBoss Cloud?

SertanejaPop said:
In the track tab there is no search option, it would be ideal to search the file to add direct to the current playlist ...
Thank you for the suggestion, the search option will be added in one of the next updates.

SertanejaPop said:
but I noticed that when the audio happens to have levels below "14db" the next audio is being mixed and the previous one continues playing, leaving the two audios together, eg if after mixing it is missing 1 minute to the end of the previous audio the two continue for 1 minute playing together in the air.
It shouldn't be like this - we'll check if it's an error in the software.
John Drake said:
If I set my "Stream title format" preference to:

%title - %artist 

shouldn't all my songs be displayed in the format "SONG TITLE - ARTIST" in ALL areas of RadioBoss Cloud?
Not quite. Stream title format only sets the title format that is sent to the streaming server - this is what users see. The same title is also used in recent tracks and some other areas.
The display title for internal means is different, and currently it's fixed at "%artist - %title". We'll add an option to control this in the future updates.
I would like you to ask me a question.
Is there a difference between the bitrate of the song and the bitrate setting that exists on the panel? Ex: I send a mp3 music 320kbps to the server, and I choose in the panel the transmission in 320 kbps also, this music goes through some kind of understanding before reaching the listener player?
The output stream and the bitrate setting represents a mixdown of the tracks or live input being played back through RadioBoss Cloud, regardless of the actual input file format. All files are played back internally before sending them to your audience. This allows files of different/mixed formats in your track library, e.g. mp3 along with OGG Vorbis, Flac, AAC and so on, even different bitrates and sampling rates should be no problem. So it is regardless which audio files you upload as long as RadioBoss is able to play them.
Steffen Schultz said:
The output stream and the bitrate setting represents a mixdown of the tracks or live input being played back through RadioBoss Cloud, regardless of the actual input file format. All files are played back internally before sending them to your audience. This allows files of different/mixed formats in your track library, e.g. mp3 along with OGG Vorbis, Flac, AAC and so on, even different bitrates and sampling rates should be no problem. So it is regardless which audio files you upload as long as RadioBoss is able to play them.
But my question is whether there is an understanding that reflects on the final quality? To be clearer, the listener listens with the same quality of the file that is on the server at 320 kbps, or if there is more compression, loss ...
Technically the files are being transcoded and therefore will loose quality, but as long as the input and output bitrates are high enough the listener won't hear any difference. The lower the bitrate of both input and output, the more you will hear a quality loss, e.g. 128/128. But 320 shouldn't produce any audible quality loss in most cases. Input files with lower bitrates also shouldn't get worse than they are.
Steffen Schultz said:
Technically the files are being transcoded and therefore will loose quality, but as long as the input and output bitrates are high enough the listener won't hear any difference. The lower the bitrate of both input and output, the more you will hear a quality loss, e.g. 128/128. But 320 shouldn't produce any audible quality loss in most cases. Input files with lower bitrates also shouldn't get worse than they are.
Thanks for the clarifications, does this happen with live streaming as well?
SertanejaPop said:
Thanks for the clarifications, does this happen with live streaming as well?

Yes, this also applies for live input. You however can use the direct stream link to the /live mountpoint on your RadioBoss Cloud Icecast instance to hear an untouched version of your live input.
SertanejaPop said:
Is there a difference between the bitrate of the song and the bitrate setting that exists on the panel? Ex: I send a mp3 music 320kbps to the server, and I choose in the panel the transmission in 320 kbps also, this music goes through some kind of understanding before reaching the listener player?
Regardless of track format and bitrate, everything is converted to the target stream format as specified in settings. Even if all your tracks are MP3 320kbps, and you broadcast in MP3 320kbps, it will still decode and then encode it. This will not produce any noticeable degradation of quality.

I just noticed that Steffen Schultz already provided all the answers :)
djsoft said:
Regardless of track format and bitrate, everything is converted to the target stream format as specified in settings. Even if all your tracks are MP3 320kbps, and you broadcast in MP3 320kbps, it will still decode and then encode it. This will not produce any noticeable degradation of quality.
Very good!!
djsoft said:
I just noticed that Steffen Schultz already provided all the answers
Thank you all for the clarification.
I am having a problem with some files, they are normalized and processed in 0 db, on my computer when squeeze they remain 0 db, when I upload it to the RadioBOSS Cloud it plays with a level far below 0 db, I wanted it to check if the problem is my file or if it is a problem with the RadioBOSS Cloud, they are not all, just a few. I'll leave the folder path and music here, if you can check, thank you.

File Manager\TESTE\MAIS TOCADAS\Xand Avi?o - Vai e Volta (VV)
djsoft said:
Which files from the folder do not play correctly, or is it all of them?
Sending a file in the attachment of this post as an example, this file has the peaks at 0db, but on the server it is below 0db, not all, but it happens with some. Example: I have all the songs playing at 0db, so a song appears with the sound below (all my sounds are processed before they are sent to the server). I am sending this file to analyze if the problem is in it or in the RadioBoss Cloud.


At least in this case I think the problem is the file itself. According to replaygain tags, the file has a track gain of -13.9DB, and RB Cloud recognizes this. Furthermore the file starts with a crack, which may cause track peak calculation to turn the rest of the file to low.

Steffen Schultz said:
At least in this case I think the problem is the file itself. According to replaygain tags, the file has a track gain of -13.9DB, and RB Cloud recognizes this.
Steffen, what's a crack? Could you give any hints on how to solve this? Why on my computer does it spike at 0db and the server is at -13db? Other doubts is that, it's not just this file, it happens to some others too, and I did tests with servers from other local companies and this did not happen, kept the level in all files ...
SertanejaPop said:
Steffen, what's a crack? Could you give any hints on how to solve this? Why on my computer does it spike at 0db and the server is at -13db?

There is a noise at the very beginning of the file which sounds like a short crackle. The noise is not very loud, but it could cause replaygain calculation to fail.
The maximum peak is at 0DB, thats correct. However, in the ID3 tag information there is a field called "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN", causing players that support replaygain to play the file at the specified gain level - and this is set to -13.9DB in this case.

To solve this, you could use software like MP3Tag and remove/modify any unwanted replaygain ID3 tag information.

Steffen Schultz said:
Steffen, I realized that disabling the "Enable ReplayGain" function in the RadioBOSS Cloud panel solves the problem, will it affect other audios? This function could have an alert information for users that you do not know, do you?
A few more RadioBoss Cloud beta suggestions:

1. In menu:

/Overview  /Playlist

Administrators should be able to delete multiple tracks by clicking the CTRL key or Shift key (instead of deleting one track at a time.)

2. In menu:

/Media  /Playlist
/Media  /Playlist  /Tracks

There are  two "Delete" buttons right next to each other. It's not clear which button is "Delete Playlist" and which is "Delete Track."

When deleting songs from playlists I have sometimes deleted the entire playlist by mistake.

3. In menu:

/Settings  /Station Info  /Default album cover (for tracks with no artwork)

Is .PNG the only available format?  If so, .JPG should be added as well.

4. The Quick Start guide is helpful for setting up a new account.

However, a wizard would be better for beginners (e.g., "What is the name of your station," "What is your bitrate," etc.)

Keep up the great work guys!  :)

SertanejaPop said:
Why on my computer does it spike at 0db and the server is at -13db?
Steffen gave a good explanation already, so I don't have much to add :) It could be that when you play it on your computer, the player ignores the ReplayGain tag and the file plays as is. RadioBOSS Cloud by default uses the ReplayGain information to level the tracks. To solve the problem you should either:
1. Disable ReplayGain in RadioBOSS Cloud: Settings->Audio->Enable Replay Gain - turn off.
2. (Preferred way) Scan your tracks to make sure they have proper ReplayGain tag. This way all your music will play at the same level. Please see this guide (the part about ReplayGain):,4036.0.html - or you can use any other software to perform the scanning.
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