Request to implement notification emails or webhooks


New member
Hello again, hopefully this feature request doesn't sound too outlandish. Currently we run our station in a completely automated manner with a local server watching multiple RadioBoss files and sending emails or posting to slack webhooks to notify us of any sorts of issues that arise with the somewhat unique way in which we use RB. There are a couple of (rare) issues that are a little more involved for us to automate notifications for that would be fantastic if RB could email us directly about (perhaps using a sendgrid API key/basic email config?), or we could provide a webhook URL to send some basic text?

I haven't fully built this out on our local machine, but my workaround will be to watch <date>.csv in the reports folder for changes, parse csv/xml, filter for rows containing 'error' and notify my team about new issues that arise.

Again, it seems to be quite rare that a RB error emerges (so far just occasionally with PlGen), so this wouldn't be a major priority. Thank you for your consideration!
Excellent, I was able to get emails and the webhook to do as needed. Comma separated didn't seem to work for adding multiple emails, and our email notification continued to send even though the checkbox was unchecked, but those are very small potatoes :)
Excellent, I was able to get emails and the webhook to do as needed. Comma separated didn't seem to work for adding multiple emails, and our email notification continued to send even though the checkbox was unchecked, but those are very small potatoes :)
Comma separated emails seem like a nice feature to add, and checkbox issue looks like a bug - added to our tracker.