sign light on air

Carlos Carrasco

New member
along with saying hello could include in future versions, that when pressing the MIC, through some USB port, the air light or lights can be turned on
This appears to be a very specific feature, currently we won't be implementing it - I'm sorry.
Hi Dmitri, congratulations on RadioBoss.
I tell you that using an arduino Micro, I emulate the hotkeys, so I control the air lights and the microphone.
you can see this video

Cart send COM3 to ---> arduino ----> Num Lock (mic)
The arduino also sends the signal to activate the lights ...
It would be interesting, that the same mic button, send the command (in future editions) ;-)
I am at your service!!!
Thank you 

Norberto Pellegrini
FM ArcoIris - Firmat, Santa Fe
What they ask can be done with the API, that is, if we would have to develop an additional APP, to communicate with the arduino, but it is quite simple what they ask if the api is used.
It would be interesting, that the same mic button, send the command (in future editions) ;-)
I think it will be more convenient to utilize the API to activate the MIC and perform any additional actions:
I consider that a communication via USB port is much simpler and cheaper than via network ...
You don't need network if everything's happening on one computer - in this case you call API methods using "localhost". E.g. you can create the software that turns on MIC in RadioBOSS and does any other number of tasks.