problemas de sonido , problem of sound


Hi Dimitri, how are you? I recently paid to update radiboss but I still have that sound problem, the radioboss itself processes the sound, please put the option not to process the audio, I put the same with another player and it does not sound the same, radioboss closes the sound , I have noticed that if low volume goes up, that is why it has some kind of audio processor, please I am paying for a software, I would like this to be solved because I have an external processor and it does not sound the same when I put other software with the same professional audio card, fix that for real, it bothers me and it really bothers me.

Who likes the sound like this please, create a button to activate and deactivate but I want the flat sound, as it sounds please, I ask it please

Fix it, thanks.
RadioBOSS will only process the sound if you tell it to. By default, all processing is disabled. Please open the DSP tab and make sure all processing is disabled there: everything in the list and also click the AutoAmp button to make sure it's disabled.
no, I have nothing activated


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In this case RadioBOSS does not process the sound. If you still hear that it's processed, it's done somewhere else: some sound cards have internal sound processing for instance.
MY DEVICE AUDIO is esi maya , , is not processe audio, other software listen perfect, but radioboss ,
I don't hear it the same
diabolix said:
MY DEVICE AUDIO is esi maya , , is not processe audio, other software listen perfect, but radioboss ,
I don't hear it the same
If DSP is disabled in RadioBOSS, it will not process the sound. It's processed somewhere else.